COMP6771 Assignment 1 - Word Ladder

  • 作业标题:COMP9021 - Assignment 1 - Word Ladder
  • 课程名称:University of New South Wales COMP6771 Advanced C++ Programming
  • 完成周期:8天


In Week 2 we are learning about C++ libraries, and this assignment is your chance to practise those

Now that you’ve been introduced to the C++ standard library, it’s time to put that knowledge to use.
In the role of client, the low-level details have already been dealt with, and you can focus your
attention on solving more pressing problems. Having a library of thoroughly tested and reviewed
types designed by field experts vastly broadens the kinds of tasks you can “easily” tackle. In this
first assignment, you’ll write the back-end for a program that heavily leverages the standard
library to do nifty things. It might sound a little daunting at first; but given the power tools in
your arsenal, you can focus on solving the problem at hand, instead of worrying about how to
implement everything from scratch. Let’s hear it for abstraction!

This assignment has several purposes:

  1. To explore C++’s value-semantics.
  2. To stress the notion of abstraction as a mechanism for managing data and providing functionality
    without revealing the implementation.
  3. To become more familiar with C++’s type system.
  4. To gain familiarity with the C++ standard library.

Leveraging std::vector, std::queue, and std::unordered_set are critical for writing a
word ladder builder. A word ladder is a connection from one word to another, formed by changing one
letter at a time, with the constraint that each transformation yields a new valid word. For example,
here is a word ladder connecting “code” to “data”.

code -> cade -> cate -> date -> data


文章作者: 量子数字
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