APAN 5400 - Managing Data - Assignment 5 - Indexing - Elasticsearch

  • 作业标题: APAN 5400 - Assignment 5 Indexing - Elasticsearch
  • 课程名称:C-lumbia University APAN 5400 Managing Data
  • 完成周期:3天

Please see the attachment for the Jupyter Notebook, Kibana queries, and data that are used in class in a zip file.
This should help you with your work for Assignment 5.

In this assignment, you will create an Elasticsearch index, populate it using a collection of JSON documents, and run some search queries against that index. You will gain experience with information retrieval on unstructured text data using Elasticsearch and Python. 


Step 1 - Download and install Elasticsearch & Kibana

Refer to our Elasticsearch & Kibana Installation Guide

Step 2 - Create an Elasticsearch Index

1.Refer to the Week 6 Materials (distributed as an announcement), the Lecture, and the Elasticsearch Reference Guide.

o(Option 1) Create a new Jupyter Notebook and complete the following steps in that notebook

  • !pip install elasticsearch-dsl and elasticsearch packages
  • !pip install elasticsearch-loader (Links to an external site.) package
  • using the elasticsearch-loader package, build the companies index by uploading the companies.json file (also partially used in Assignment 4 with the following contents in JSON format):

Step 3 - Build and run elasticsearch-dsl queries against the companies index to answer the following questions:

  1. Which company is the oldest?
  2. Which company’s product is a search engine?
  3. Which companies are headquartered in the USA?
  4. Which companies have been founded in 1990s?
  5. What is the total annual revenue of the three companies in Asia?


Please see the attached rubric for detailed assessment criteria.


To complete your submission,
Your final submission should be a Jupyter Notebook file (.ipynb and .html) that shows the creation of Elasticsearch index and elasticsearch-dsl queries for questions 1-5 (step 3) with the retrieved and printed output.

  1. Click the blue Submit Assignment button at the top of this page.
  2. Click the Choose File button, and locate your submission.
  3. Feel free to include a comment with your submission.
  4. Finally, click the blue Submit Assignment button.Assessment


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