- 作业标题:CSCI 3132 - Assignment 6: Reuse with Frameworks
- 课程名称:Dalhouse University CSCI 3132 Object Orientation and Generic Programming
- 完成周期:5天
N.B., the best 5 of 6 assignment marks will count toward your final grade. As a result, if you
are happy with your assignment marks so far and feel comfortable with the material on objectoriented frameworks in the lecture and lab, you can choose not to submit this final assignment.
In this assignment, you are to create a simple digital musical instrument using openFrameworks
(oF). You are free to design and implement whatever you like within the following constraints:
Marking Scheme ( /20)
5 Code uses openFrameworks, application class extends ofBaseApp
5 ofxGui is used for configuration widgets, and ofSound library for sound generation
5 two or more aspects of the audio can be configured via the UI
5 the instrument can be played via keyboard and/or mouse. This plays the sound and
controls the pitch.