- 作业标题:CSCI 3132 - Assignment 3: Mixed Paradigm Programming in C++
- 课程名称:Dalhouse University CSCI 3132 Object Orientation and Generic Programming
- 完成周期:1天
You work for TerminalTomes Inc., a company whose mission is to “revolutionize console storytelling”, i.e., stories told on a computer console—admittedly a pretty niche market these days. You are working on the authoring tool, a console-based application that allows authors to interactively write and test out their stories.
Your current task is to fashion the character-creation interface. This menu-driven console interface needs to provide the following options:
New character: create a new character.
View character: print a description of a specific character
Delete character: delete a specific character.
Quit: quits the application. Note that characters do not need to be persisted (saved)
Marking Scheme (/20)
2 Class defined for Character
2 Class defined for Pet
2 Appropriate relationship defined for Character, Pet
2 Appropriate data structure used for list of characters
2 Emoji support implemented
2 Print format is as specified
2 New character features implemented
2 Delete character feature implemented
2 View character feature implemented
2 Invalid menu selections are handled gracefully