- 作业标题:Pet Clinics Management System
- 课程名称:COM102 (Programming II - Java)
- 完成周期:3天
- Deadline: Noon, 12:00 on Friday, 1st December 2023
This coursework constitutes 60% of the total marks for the module. Feedback will be made
available on Cloud Campus within 20 working days from the submission deadline.
For this assignment,you are required to work individually.
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“I declare that this is my own work and that any material I have referred to has been accurately and consistently referenced. I have read the University’s policy on plagiarism and understand the definition of plagiarism as given in the [course/subject] handbook. If it is shown that material has been plagiarised, or I have otherwise attempted to obtain an unfair advantage for myself or others, I understand that I may face sanctions in accordance with the policies and procedures of the University. A mark of zero may be awarded and the reason for that mark will be recorded on my file.”
This assignment is concerned with the use of collection to store and manage objects. Write a Java program to store and manage data from a set of pets registered at a pet clinics according to the following
Functional Requirements
The application must be able to handle data from at least two types of pets such as cats and dogs.
For each pet, their name, age, colour, weight, and breed should be recorded.
Hint: consider creating an array of type Pet, where Pet is a base class you create containing the name, age, colour, and weight as instance variables. Each sub class represents each type of pet has an additional instance variable breed that can store the particular breed of a pet. For example, it could be Persian, Tabby, etc. for a cat and Spaniel, terrier, etc.. for a dog. You need to check that each variable has been entered correctly in whatever format you specify. You might also want to inform the user that if any of the data fields for a given pet are left blank, that pet’s full details will
NOT be saved beyond the current session.