- 作业标题:CSCI 3110 - Assignment 4
- 课程名称:Dalhouse University CSCI 3110 Design and Analysis of Algorithms I
- 完成周期:2天
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1. Questions:
[10 marks] Use the recursion-tree method to solve the following recurrence:
T (n) = 2T (n/2) + n lg n.
You can assume that T (1) = 1 and that n is a power of 2 for convenience. Show your
steps and give your solution using big-O notation[10 marks] In class, we learned that for the fractional knapsack problem, the greedy
strategy of selecting the item with the highest value to weight ratio first will always
yield an optimal solution.
Now construct counterexamples for the following two greedy strategies, to show that
they will not always produce an optimal solution to the fraction knapsack problem.
In your solution, provide sufficient details to show what you constructed are indeed
(a) [5 marks] Always select the most valuable item first.
(b) [5 marks] Always select the lightest item first[10 marks] We are given a set I of n (possibly overlapping) intervals and a set N of n
numbers. Our goal is to compute the smallest subset S of I such that for each number
in N, there exists at least one interval in S that covers it. The intervals in S are
allowed to overlap.
Design a greedy algorithm to solve this problem in O(n2) time or better. When you
justify the correctness of your algorithm, carefully prove that your greedy strategy
always gives an optimal solution.