COMP2110 Individual Web Development Assignment

  • 作业标题:COMP2110 - Individual Web Development Assignment
  • 课程名称:University of New South Wales COMP2110 Web Technology
  • 完成周期:6天


A Real-Time Chat Service

This repository is the starter kit for the COMP3120 Individual Project for 2022: a real time chat service. The back-end implementation is in the server subdirectory. The front-end project is homed in the
main directory (with sources in src).

Note that you can make any changes you deem necessary to this code including
fixing bugs and adding features. That includes changing this file which should document
your personal project.


Copy the file .env.dist to .env and edit the file with your own settings - in particular your MongoDB settings if you are doing server side development. Note that these settings are only relevant to the
server implementation, not the front-end.

Frontend Project

The src folder contains a template front-end React project to get you

To run the front-end development server:

npm run start

This will run the server on port 3000.

You can run the front-end tests as usual with:

npm run test

Which will run any tests you have added to the front-end project under src. Currently it runs one dummy test.


文章作者: 量子数字
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 量子数字 !