CSCI 2134 - Software Development - lab 7 Refactoring

  • 作业标题:CSCI 2134 - Software Development - lab 7 Refactoring
  • 课程名称:Dalhouse University CSCI 2134 Software Development
  • 完成周期:1天


In this lab, you will work on your own or with another student to refactor some existing code.


  1. Ensure that you have your Integrated Development Editor (IDE) installed.
  2. Ensure that you are able to write and run a JUnit test case in the IDE. You will not have the
    time to both debug your IDE environment and complete the lab task within the lab time.
    The lab time should be able to concentrate on the lab task.
  3. Clone the Lab 7 repo:
    where ???? is your CSID.
  4. Review the documentation and provided code. These files are located in the src and docs
    directories of the cloned project.


  • Code specifications in the docs directory of the Lab 7 repository.
  • Code base to be refactored is in the src directory of the Lab 7 repository.
  • Unit tests to be used for regression testing in test directory of Lab 7 repository.
  • Lecture notes on refactoring from class.



  1. Open the project you created in preparation for this lab
  2. Open the refactor.txt file in docs and fill in your name and your partner’s name (if
    there is one).

Part 1:

  1. Ensure that the JUnit tests are passing.

  2. Select a file for refactoring. We recommend one of:

    • Any other file
  3. Identify a code smell in the file. Note: You should identify at least 3 different code smells
    in total. Some of them may span multiple files. For example, you should be able to find
    some duplicate code, magic numbers, and expressions that should be extracted into their
    own methods.

  4. Document the code smell in the file docs/refactor.txt you will need to include: (see

    • Name of file
    • Location (method and/or line number)
    • The identified issue
    • The proposed fix
  5. Perform a refactoring to remove the code smell.

  6. Rerun the tests to ensure you did not break the code. (Fix it if you do.)

  7. Commit and push to the repository. Be sure that both the code and the refactori.txt file is
    being committed and pushed.

  8. Repeat steps 1-7 until all opportunities are done or the lab time is completed.
    Note: Only one of the partners needs to submit.


The lab will be marked out of 4 points


文章作者: 量子数字
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