APAN 5400 - Managing Data - Assignment 6 Graph Databases - Neo4j

  • 作业标题: APAN 5400 - Assignment 6 Graph Databases - Neo4j
  • 课程名称:C-lumbia University APAN 5400 Managing Data
  • 完成周期:3天

In this assignment, you will create a Neo4j Graph Database, populate nodes and relationships between them, and run retrieval queries against the data stored in your graph. 


Step 1 - Download and install Neo4j Desktop, Set up your project database

Refer to our Neo4j Installation Guide

Step 2 - Populate your Graph Database

Refer to Week 7 Class Exercise & Neo4j Cypher Manual (Links to an external site.).

  • Create a new Jupyter Notebook and complete the following steps in that notebook
  • !pip install neo4j package
  • import data from the companies.csv file or populate it from the records table below
  • establish node relationships that may be necessary to answer the questions in Step 3
  • Note: you can also populate and visualize the nodes and relations using Cypher commands from inside Neo4j Desktop

Step 3 - Build and run Python Cypher queries against the Neo4j Database to answer the following questions:

  1. Which companies are located in the state (not city) of Tokyo (via 2nd degree relation)?
  2. Which companies have been founded in the 1990s? (i.e., Between 1990 and 1999)
  3. What is the average number of employees for all companies in China and the USA in the graph? (via 3rd degree relation) (Use aggregate queries)
  4. Which companies are headquartered in the USA (via 3rd degree relation)?
  5. What is the total annual revenue of the companies in USA (via 3rd degree relation)?


See the attached rubric for detailed assessment criteria.


Your final submission should be a Jupyter Notebook file (.ipynb and .html) that shows the use of a Neo4j graph database and neo4j queries for questions 1-5 (step 3) with the retrieved and printed output.

  1. Click the blue Submit Assignment button at the top of this page.
  2. Click the Choose File button, and locate your submission.
  3. Feel free to include a comment with your submission.
  4. Finally, click the blue Submit Assignment button.Assessment


文章作者: 量子数字
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